Tag: Worship

  • Christmas Day 2022 falls on Sunday – the Lord’s Day on which we regularly gather as believers to worship in Spirit & Truth, to edify one another, and to be fed the spiritual food of the Word. Christmas Day will be no different, other than we will not have our usual Bible Fellowship classes (Sunday…

  • First Baptist Church is excited to announce our first one-day youth rally: Featuring Worship led by our friends of Trinitas (Shreveport, LA and Tyler, TX), and teaching by Micah Powell. FEAR… Fear can do a lot more than cause us to shake or want to hide.  For some, it causes us to become angry, fearful-…

  • Most who are familiar with FBC know that we never “shut the doors”, but did encourage many for a short time to shift to watching the service online. Over the course of several months, attendance has, thankfully, begun to return to more normal levels. Further, we have been blessed with quite a few visitors and…

  • Weather permitting, we will still have our Easter Sunrise service on Sunday, April 12 @7AM!  We will, of course, practice safe distancing between family/household groups. We also encourage everyone who can come, to practice judicious hand washing and you are welcome to wear a face mask or respirator if you feel led. Our service will…