Tag: Christ

  • What is “Revival”? For some, the idea of revival is simply a momentary block of days on a calendar where a church tries to connect people to Jesus. For others, revival is a more inward effort to rekindle and foster a passion for Jesus Christ, for the gospel, for a life of holiness and empowering.…

  • Great Jungle Journey Image

    June 3-7, 2024 Every day, our kids are bombarded with questions: Did God really create everything? Why do bad things happen? Was Noah’s ark real? Why do I need to be saved? Can I trust the Bible? At #FBCVBS2024, your kids will explore the biblical answers to these questions as they set off on an…

  • FirstMEN meet on the first Saturday of each month for breakfast, fellowship, and a relevant devotional with discussion. All men are welcome! There is no mandatory fee for breakfast, though we do have a voluntary contribution box to help offset the cost. The official time to eat is 8AM, but several gather at 7AM to…

  • We are super excited to announce that we are hosting our Second-Annual Bible Intensive retreat! in conjunction with Communicators Worldwide, we will be hosting a with Steve Burchett and his daughter Katie for Friday evening and Saturday as we engage in what, for many, some be a somewhat different method for studying and engaging with…

  • Christmas Day 2022 falls on Sunday – the Lord’s Day on which we regularly gather as believers to worship in Spirit & Truth, to edify one another, and to be fed the spiritual food of the Word. Christmas Day will be no different, other than we will not have our usual Bible Fellowship classes (Sunday…

  • WEDNESDAY, October 19, we will have our annual Lifeword Walk 4 The World at Shaw Park (Ball Road W Downum Rd., Springdale, AR 72762) from 6-8PM.  This represents a departure from previous years and enables us to come together as a church to include our youth and students from Wednesday evening. Each year, churches of the BMA…

  • Men's Breakfast


    It is past time for us to get serious about men getting together – we will be having a men’s breakfast every-other month beginning Saturday, February 5th at 8AM. For those who would like to help cook, Pastor Michael plans to be in the kitchen around 7AM.  Hope you can be here to sharpen one-another!