Author: fbccavesprings
Most who are familiar with FBC know that we never “shut the doors”, but did encourage many for a short time to shift to watching the service online. Over the course of several months, attendance has, thankfully, begun to return to more normal levels. Further, we have been blessed with quite a few visitors and…
As many may know, we had a church member test positive this week. While there is no indication or suggestion that it was transmitted at church (the member was not at church the Sunday prior to diagnosis), and the state contact tracer said it was highly unlikely this member either picked it up, or spread…
Join us for our celebration of 140 years of ministry in Cave Springs! Saturday’s schedule includes speakers, memories, and music! – all beginning SATURDAY, October 3 at 1PM! There will be several special guests and some surprises too! SUNDAY, October 4, will conclude our celebration with a meal in Hayden Hall! Come help us celebrate,…
While we never shut down or locked the doors to in-person worship and classes, most chose the prudent step of remaining home, with many watching the teaching and preaching from their homes. As of two weeks ago, we began actively encouraging members and visitors to return. We must remember that there is never a 100%…
Weather permitting, we will still have our Easter Sunrise service on Sunday, April 12 @7AM! We will, of course, practice safe distancing between family/household groups. We also encourage everyone who can come, to practice judicious hand washing and you are welcome to wear a face mask or respirator if you feel led. Our service will…
To reach the widest audience possible, we have launched on YouTube! We will be migrating our streaming to this channel over the course of the next few weeks. You can “subscribe” and be notified when new videos are posted. What to Expect: Messages from Morning Worship Event video Teaching Videos Announcements and more!
POSTPONED First Baptist Church of Cave Springs is excited to announce our 2020 Bible Conference titled “Make Disciples“. Of all the purposes Jesus gave for His church, the primary purpose left was to make disciples. Yet no other responsibility is as misunderstood, undervalued, or unfulfilled as this Great Commission to make disciples. Making disciples isn’t…
Come enjoy our Choir & Worship Arts production of The Homecoming: A Smoky Mountain Christmas Story, a humorous and heart-warming story that will strike a familiar chord with anyone who has ever spent Christmas with their extended family. The musical numbers are meaningful and memorable, and the warm, acoustic bluegrass accompaniment lends a real homespun…
Join us as we welcome back our friends Trinitas to share with us a time of intimate worship for Christmas on Sunday evening, December 15 at 6PM. There will be no admission charged, but we will be accepting a love offering. For details or to reserve your seats, visit our event page on Facebook. Trinitas…
FBC Cave Springs is excited to present our 2nd Annual IGNITE! Ministries Fall Kick-Off Fish Fry! Come join us on Wednesday evening, September 4 for catfish, chicken, and all the sides, and meet our IGNITE! Ministry team! There is no charge for supper (donations to help offset the cost are welcome). We will begin serving…
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- Coffee & The Word: A Community Bible Study
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- FirstMEN – Fellowship Breakfast
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