As many may know, we had a church member test positive this week. While there is no indication or suggestion that it was transmitted at church (the member was not at church the Sunday prior to diagnosis), and the state contact tracer said it was highly unlikely this member either picked it up, or spread it at church, we began revisiting our current policies and procedures. With a second positive test this week in another member, some decisions have been made in regards to safety, and in light of the governor’s updated guidelines:
- We again request that all who enter the building wear a mask. This is most important when in areas where distancing is
not practical. We still have disposable masks, individually packaged, available at each entryway.
- A reminder – if you do not feel physically well, are have a fever (temp scanners are available at entryways), or have reason to believe you have been directly exposed to COVID (or the flu that has begun circulating in some areas), please remain at home and join us online.
- For the time being, to try to provide space to distance with our fixed pews, every-other row has been designated as an empty pew. Because our pastor feels strongly about not turning anyone away, depriving them of the opportunity to worship together, Hayden Hall will be set up to participate via the livestream. This might be particularly attractive for those who may have internet/streaming issues at home.
- The Choir will not sit on the platform for worship service or for rehearsals.
- SUNDAY SCHOOL/BIBLE FELLOWSHIP CLASSES: Will NOT meet in-person. Bro. Earnest will continue to record the lesson and it will be available via live-stream (Facebook and Youtube), and will be shown in the sanctuary beginning at 10AM.
- WEDNESDAY IGNITE! – will continue, but we have suspended food service and will be enforcing masks in the classrooms and other areas where safe spacing cannot be maintained.
Much of what we are trying to do is nothing new, and including the weekly sanitizing of the entire building (thank you Bro. Roger Meredith). While we are not to live in fear, we still should exercise good discernment and use prudence in what we are doing. Please pray for those who have been diagnosed, pray for our pastor, and for each other. If anyone knows of a need for someone in quarantine, please let us know.