First Baptist Church of Cave Springs is excited to present our 2nd Annual Bible Conference #BIBLECON2019:

What IS The GOSPEL?If we don’t get the gospel right, nothing else matters.
In a world that is in need of the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ – there is troubling diversity of views and variations of the so-called “gospel”. Only one gospel saves – and it is not a sugar-coated pill or a message of financial prosperity. The gospel that redeems lost souls is not a promise of some kind of social justice or deliverance from worldly oppression.
No, the true gospel of Jesus Christ is a gospel that truly changes people from the inside-out, that transforms lost sinners into regenerated children of God. It is a gospel that is sweeter than honey to those who believe, yet foolishness to those who are perishing (1 Corinthians 1:18).
So – how do we know which gospel is the true gospel, and which is accursed? That is what this year’s conference is all about – answering the question: What IS the Gospel?
Each evening, beginning at 6:30PM, we will hear from a the Word of God through a man who is driven by the Word and a passion to see the truth proclaimed. Come to be encouraged, strengthened, and to grow in your faith as you are equipped to discern the gospel that was first preached from all the rest.
- SUNDAY, March 31 – Pastor Wade Lentz, Beryl Baptist, Vilonia, AR
- MONDAY, April 1 – Pastor Gene Tanner, Fairfield Bay Baptist Church
- TUESDAY, April 2 – Evangelist Clint Vernon, Clinton, AR
- WEDNESDAY, April 3 – Dr. Charley Holmes, President – Baptist Missionary Association Theological Seminary, Jacksonville, TX.