Coffee & The Word: A Community Bible Study

Come dig in to God’s Word, as we work together through extended texts – verse-by-verse.


Come enjoy a cup of coffee, your favorite tea, pastry, or meal as we study the Scriptures with an eye towards rightly understanding what it says – not what we would LIKE it to say, or even what we might have long believed it says. Let the Word speak for itself, taken in-context and with a mind towards the truth.


Joyhouse Coffee, Cave Springs, Arkansas

The Cross – A Special Message With Music

Join us Sunday, March 31 for The Cross. a mixture of music and message drawing our hearts and minds to the cruelest, most beautiful image of love and grace ever known. 

We begin Resurrection Sunday with our annual Sunrise Service at 7AM, Fellowship Breakfast, and 10AM Bible Fellowship classes. Then at 11AM, we will meet together in the Worship Center for The Cross (Philippians 5:2-11)

Come consider what great Love of Christ the He showed, by taking , the nails, our sin and shame. Survey the Wondrous Cross, and see the truth: that It Was Finished On The Cross!

Come Meet Me At The Cross: Trust in Him alone – because Jesus really did do it all, that we might be forgiven and set free from the burden of sin and shame. 

A Gathering For Revival: Meeting Together, Seeking Christ

What is “Revival”? For some, the idea of revival is simply a momentary block of days on a calendar where a church tries to connect people to Jesus. For others, revival is a more inward effort to rekindle and foster a passion for Jesus Christ, for the gospel, for a life of holiness and empowering.

There are two possible definitions for what we at First Baptist Church are actively praying for:

  • A restoration to use, acceptance, activity, or vigor after a period of obscurity or quiescence.
  • A meeting or series of meetings for the purpose of reawakening religious faith, often characterized by impassioned preaching and public testimony.

In short, we are hoping, though powerful ,Christ-centered preaching and intentional,  focused prayer to experience a genuine reconnection and recommitment to Christ and His mission for the church. For some of us, that may mean addressing besetting sin, for others it may represent finding peace in our troubled times. And yes, for some, it may mean the first real encounter with the risen Savior in saving faith.  Regardless, it is our prayer and overwhelming desire that we all are renewed, refreshed, and strengthened in our walk, and that the Love of Christ would so fill us that none can miss that we have been with Jesus!

But we also recognize the warning found in 1 Peter 4:17 “For it is time for judgment to begin with the house of God”.

We will have a time of food and fellowship each evening beginning at 6PM, with the preaching service to begin at 6:30PM.

If you would like to bring a musical special any evening, please reach out ASAP so that we can get you on the schedule.

Our preachers:

SUNDAY: Bro. Harold Smith, FBC of Roland, OK

MONDAY: Bro. Wes Brown, Plummerville FBC

TUESDAY: Bro. Derrick Bremmer, Denver Street MBC (Greenwood, AR)

WEDNESDAY: Bro. Todd Spradlin, Quitman FBC

Great Jungle Journey Image

The Great Jungle Journey! #FBCVBS2024

June 3-7, 2024

Every day, our kids are bombarded with questions: Did God really create everything? Why do bad things happen? Was Noah’s ark real? Why do I need to be saved? Can I trust the Bible?

At #FBCVBS2024, your kids will explore the biblical answers to these questions as they set off on an epic adventure from Genesis to Revelation. Amid sloths, butterflies, river dolphins, and dart frogs, your children will sail along on a fun jungle cruise, stopping at seven ports of call. These ports are the 7 C’s of History: Creation, Corruption, Catastrophe, Confusion, Christ, Cross, and Consummation. Kids will discover how these events shape our world, and they will learn to reconnect the Bible to their everyday lives.

Prepare to swing into fun as we head out on The Great Jungle Journey!

Great Jungle Journey Image


Food? – yes

Music and fun? – yes

Games? Probably!

Science Adventures? OF COURSE!

Snacks? Absolutely!

But more important is that we will learn to stand for the truth of God and His Kingdom in the face of a world that is coming apart.


Or scan this QR code with your smartphone!

FirstMEN – Fellowship Breakfast

FirstMEN meet on the first Saturday of each month for breakfast, fellowship, and a relevant devotional with discussion. All men are welcome! There is no mandatory fee for breakfast, though we do have a voluntary contribution box to help offset the cost. The official time to eat is 8AM, but several gather at 7AM to cook and have pre-breakfast fellowship as well!

This group also plans events and opportunities for both service and leisure. In April of 2023, several of us gathered for breakfast and then traveled to Tulsa for the Wanamaker Arms Show! We would love to include you in our events and fellowship as we seek to grow in our relationship with Christ and one-another as brothers and men of God!  For more info, text 479. 662. 5579 and request to be added to our GroupMe text reminder list!

2nd Annual Bible Intensive Retreat! March 3 & 4

Bible Intensive Retreat 2023!

We are super excited to announce that we are hosting our Second-Annual Bible Intensive retreat! in conjunction with

Steve Burchett

Steve Burchett, CCW Worldwide

Communicators Worldwide, we will be hosting a with Steve Burchett
and his daughter Katie for Friday evening and Saturday as we engage in what, for many, some be a somewhat different method for studying and engaging with God's Word!  All materials will be provided, leave your study Bible at home, and come learn to draw the meaning of the Bible directly from the pages in their context!

Discover that you CAN study and UNDERSTAND the Bible.  Gain skills to help you be far more confident in your studies, and maybe even uncover that hidden scholar just waiting to be unearthed! At the end of our time on Saturday, you will know more about a chapter of God's Word than many pastors! But more importantly, you will be blessed as only the intentional study of the Bible can bring.

The schedule for Friday & Saturday, March 3 & 4:

Friday: 6-9PM (Supper included).   Saturday: 9AM-1:30PM (Breakfast available at 8:30AM and Lunch Included). There is no cost to attend, although you may contribute to offset the costs by clicking HERE and designating it for Conference costs or contribute at the event.

FOR MORE INFORMATION: click these links!

To Pre-register for this event, fill out this simple, secure form at the bottom of this page to let us know you plan to attend! it certainly helps us to prepare enough food and provide enough materials for all!



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Intimate Worship On Christmas

Intimate Christmas Worship Promo

Christmas Day 2022 falls on Sunday - the Lord's Day on which we regularly gather as believers to worship in Spirit & Truth, to edify one another, and to be fed the spiritual food of the Word. Christmas Day will be no different, other than we will not have our usual Bible Fellowship classes (Sunday School), but instead will gather together at 10AM in the Sanctuary for an Intimate Christmas Worship. Pause the crazy busy, set aside any lingering griefs and pain, and simply slow down, and reflect on "A Promise Kept" as we have a time of warm, heartfelt, and close worship.

Warm Apple Cider and light snacks in the Library as well.

Chili Cook-Off Promo

Chili Cook-Off 2022!

Here we are again! It’s time for our annual Chili Cook-Off and Dessert Auction! Time to show off your Chili-cookin’ craftsmanship!

Be sure to share with your friends!  And if you aren’t really a chili chef, then prepare a dessert for our Dessert Auction!  Remember – all funds raised go to our Youth & Student ministries!

FBC’s Walk 4 The World & Lifeword Sunday

WEDNESDAY, October 19, we will have our annual Lifeword Walk 4 The World at Shaw Park (Ball Road W Downum Rd., Springdale, AR 72762) from 6-8PM.  This represents a departure from previous years and enables us to come together as a church to include our youth and students from Wednesday evening.

Each year, churches of the BMA observe “Lifeword Sunday” – a special emphasis of prayer and giving for the ministry of Lifeword Media Ministries, one of our most effective missions efforts as an association – Lifeword reaches as many as to 2 billion people a day through radio, TV, the internet. Help them expand broadcasts to reach the remaining 5 billion with the Good News. #LifewordSunday #WeTellTheStory

Walk 4 The World has long been a major fundraising event with local churches, and local associations coming together and walking – for donations. Some get pledges per mile walked, while others simply commit to a flat amount.   Regardless, if you would like to help with the fundraising, be sure to collect pledged funds in time to turn them in on Sunday, October 23!

We have lots of fun and fellowship – while bringing attention to this incredible ministry.  While we all cannot be physical missionaries around the world, and to language groups, we may have never even heard of – Lifeword does through broadcast and digital media – and you can be a part of that!


Here is a video reminder of what Lifeword is all about…