FirstLife Sunday Evening Ministry
But prove yourselves doers of the word, and not merely hearers who delude themselves. ~James 1:22
FirstLife is our Sunday evening ministry, which focuses on living life IN Christ, or maybe better – Faith-in-Action. While the preaching and teaching of our Morning Worship time always seeks to apply what is brought out, as part of our larger discipleship efforts, First Life (6PM, Sundays) seeks to take the Word of God a step farther – focusing on faith beyond the church house walls. One might rightly say that First Life is the hands-on fulfillment of Ephesians 4:12
for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ
We believe that one of the biggest failures of churches in the last century is the area of discipleship that gives us tools and motivation to live out our faith as we seek to find the lost, to make disciples, and to impact the world around us BY our faith. To this goal, our Sunday evening time may be used for anything from evangelism training to Bible study methods and techniques, word studies, character studies, and even work projects and community outreach. From time to time, we may have special speakers (missionaries, associational workers, and others who are in the “trenches” for the gospel) live, or via video conferencing. You may even walk in to find a simple, yet fervent prayer meeting! And on 5th Sunday, we join together in an evening of faith applied – through worship arts (Singspiration).

Worship Team
Instrumental and vocal musicians and choir in cooperation with the Audio/Visual team, are responsible for leading our worship times together, from weekly worship to holiday event productions. We are always looking for talented musicians to share their gift of the glory of God!
Bible Fellowship
(sometimes known as Sunday School):
Provides learning opportunities on Sunday mornings in a class setting, focusing on the Word of God and its application in our lives. (10AM Sundays)

Ignite Ministries
Wednesday evening ministry divided into Ignite Students, Ignite Kids, and Ignite Adults – Biblical Discipleship and learning in small groups meeting on the church campus. We meet at for a fellowship meal, then break into our groups for prayer and biblical studies with a discipleship focus.
Benevolence Ministry
Committee of individuals tasked with reviewing and approving requests for financial and material aid from FBC.
Audio/Visual Team
Responsible for audio and video production/live-streaming of services and technical/audio operation for worship services and other activities in the worship center.
Timeless Treasures
Ministry to the ever-changing lives and challenges of those over 55 years of age, with a special focus on those without a spouse and those who are home-bound. Various special opportunities for group activities, travel, and missions are available.

Food Service Committee
The Food Service Committee is responsible for planning, organizing, and overseeing meals provided by the church for regular “eatin’ meetins”, special events, holiday celebrations, and community outreach events.
Deacon Ministry
Spiritually-mature, servant-minded men, called by God, and ordained to the office, to help serve the various needs of the church membership, particularly for the sick, widows, hospitalized, and invalid. This group of men also serves as a sounding-board resource for the Pastor and other staff.

Preaching Ministry
The primary responsibility of our pastor is to preach the Word of God accurately, boldly, and with conviction, calling all hearers to heed what the LORD has said in His Word. The main preaching form you can expect at FBC is Expository Preaching, often with series through books, mixed with seasonal or special message content where appropriate. From time to time, we may utilize other qualified men to also preach as fits the needs of the church and our efforts to fulfill Christ’s Great Commission.
Other Youth Ministries:
Ozark Baptist Encampment (Summer Camp)
Vacation Bible School